171 Results for kore+wireless+group


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BCN Broadband & DIA Solutions

Designing the perfect access plan

Secured access & added managed, cloud & wireless technology optimized for your business.

Secured access & added managed, cloud & wireless technology optimized for your business.

Sold By BCN

Sold By BCN

AT&T Remote Backup as a Service

Cloud backup for your internet service

Automatically restore internet over a 4G LTE wireless network in the event of lost connectivity.

Automatically restore internet over a 4G LTE wireless network in the event of lost connectivity.


Sold By AT&T


Sold By AT&T


RTech Solutions POTS Link

POTS line replacement made easy

All-in-one solution that converts existing analog phone line wiring signal to a wireless connection.

All-in-one solution that converts existing analog phone line wiring signal to a wireless connection.

Sold By RTech Solutions

Sold By RTech Solutions

CBTS Multi-Platform SD-WAN (VMware/Viptela)

Secure branch networking

Securely deploy, manage and monitor hybrid public, private, wireline and wireless networks.

Securely deploy, manage and monitor hybrid public, private, wireline and wireless networks.

Sold By CBTS

Sold By CBTS


SensLynx POTS Replacement

Reduce your monthly bills

A cost-saving wireless technology that can reduce your monthly bills.

A cost-saving wireless technology that can reduce your monthly bills.

Sold By SensLynx

Sold By SensLynx

Altaworx UCaaS

VoIP Business Telephone Systems

Fully Integrated telecom service provider offering data, wireless, and IoT connectivity.

Fully Integrated telecom service provider offering data, wireless, and IoT connectivity.

Sold By Altaworx

Sold By Altaworx

AT&T Unified Messaging

Enhance your messaging experience

Combine voice, wireless, fax & emails into one mailbox for easy access from any computer or phone.

Combine voice, wireless, fax & emails into one mailbox for easy access from any computer or phone.

Sold By AT&T

Sold By AT&T

Renodis Wireline Management Services (WMS)

Manage your wide area network

All components of your wide area network delivering technical, economic & service benefits.

All components of your wide area network delivering technical, economic & service benefits.

Segra and UPN Connectivity

Connectivity options for your business

Tailored high-speed internet and fiber solutions, ensuring reliability, security, and agility.

Tailored high-speed internet and fiber solutions, ensuring reliability, security, and agility.

Sold By Segra and UPN

Sold By Segra and UPN

Easton Telecom Services