66 Results for dataprise


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Data Foundry


Datadog Universal Service Monitoring

Discover, map & monitor all your services

Instantly discover, map, and monitor every service—without changing code.

Instantly discover, map, and monitor every service—without changing code.

Starting at $13.00 /month

Datadog Workflow Automation

Automatically run workflows

From monitoring to taking action: Automate your remediation processes across your tech stack

From monitoring to taking action: Automate your remediation processes across your tech stack

Starting at $120.00 /year

Datadog Continuous Testing

Enhance testing efficiency

Fast, codeless, and reliable testing that helps you ship features with confidence.

Fast, codeless, and reliable testing that helps you ship features with confidence.

Starting at $7.20 /month

Soaring Eagle Data Solutions

Datadog Synthetic Monitoring

API and browser testing

Achieve reliable user experiences with proactive monitoring.

Achieve reliable user experiences with proactive monitoring.

Starting at $60.00 /year

Datadog Network Monitoring

Device and performance monitoring

Ensure total visibility and unified monitoring for on-prem and cloud networks, covering application performance, bare-metal health, troubleshooting, and capacity planning.

Ensure total visibility and unified monitoring for on-prem and cloud networks, covering application...

Starting at $7.20 /month

Datadog Application Vulnerability Management

Real-time app vulnerability detection

Easily identify & prioritize vulnerabilities related to open source libraries or custom code.

Easily identify & prioritize vulnerabilities related to open source libraries or custom code.

Starting at $120.00 /year

Datadog Application Performance Monitoring

Monitor & optimize your stack at any scale

Improve the performance of your cloud-scale applications end to end, down to a single line of code.

Improve the performance of your cloud-scale applications end to end, down to a single line of code.

Starting at $0.00 /month

Datadog Cloud SIEM

Advanced log management solution

Real-time threat detection paired with rich observability context to achieve faster security outcomes.

Real-time threat detection paired with rich observability context to achieve faster security...

Starting at $2.40 /year

Single Sign-On

Single Sign-On

Datadog Infrastructure Monitoring

Secure your cloud or hybrid environments

Full visibility into infrastructure performance with effortless deployment, maintenance & coverage.

Full visibility into infrastructure performance with effortless deployment, maintenance & coverage.

Single Sign-On

Starting at $0.00 /month
