185 Results for kore wireless group


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CyberReef UptimePlus

Unlimited wireline-to-cellular failover

Unlimited wireless failover solution that offers fast deployment & low monthly fee with no overages.

Unlimited wireless failover solution that offers fast deployment & low monthly fee with no overages.


Sold By CyberReef


Sold By CyberReef

Vodafone Business Fixed Connectivity

Always-on global network connectivity

High-speed connectivity offering stable & dedicated connections to support various business needs.

High-speed connectivity offering stable & dedicated connections to support various business needs.


RTech Solutions Failover as a Service 5G/LTE Primary & Backup Internet

Automated internet backup

Automatically senses issues and maintains a sustainable connection via a cellular network.

Automatically senses issues and maintains a sustainable connection via a cellular network.

Safety NetAccess


HughesNet for Business

High-speed satellite internet for business

A satellite Internet that provides fast speeds, more data, and built-in Wi-Fi.

A satellite Internet that provides fast speeds, more data, and built-in Wi-Fi.

Sold By HughesNet

Sold By HughesNet

EPIC iO Enterprise Starlink Solution

Powered by Peplink and Starlink

EPIC iO Enterprise Starlink solution, enhanced with Peplink technology, leverages cutting-edge satellite technology to deliver high-speed internet access in even the most remote areas. This integration provides robust connectivity solutions, ideal...

EPIC iO Enterprise Starlink solution, enhanced with Peplink technology, leverages cutting-edge...


Sold By EPIC iO


Sold By EPIC iO

Pulsar Starlink Services

Satellite broadband service anywhere

Coverage and connectivity you can depend on, anywhere, anytime.

Coverage and connectivity you can depend on, anywhere, anytime.

Sold By Pulsar

Sold By Pulsar

Skywire Networks



Wireless network service

Monitoring tools supporting various user-defined event triggers, reporting, and real-time alerting.

Monitoring tools supporting various user-defined event triggers, reporting, and real-time alerting.

Rise Broadband