Empower New Hires to Become Productive and Find Early Success

Provide impactful, engaging, and personalized onboarding experiences at scale.

Enable Consistent Onboarding Tailored to Each New Hire

  • Quickly provide customized, branded, and personalized onboarding portals for all your audiences that are highly engaging in any language and on any device.

Ramp Up New Hires Faster and Shorten the Time to First Deal

  • With video pitch practices, new reps can sharpen their skills, receive constructive feedback from their managers and peers, gain confidence in their ability to excel, and start generating results faster.

Assess Readiness with Actionable Analytics

  • Ensure new hires are ready to interact with clients with built-in assessments, quizzes, and AI-guided video pitch analysis.

Drive Consistent Performance of Your Revenue Teams

Deliver ongoing targeted training and certification programs.

Provide a Roadmap to Continuous Professional Growth with Guided Learning Paths

  • Reinforce your revenue strategy and retain sales talent with personalized training to fit your sales process by role, seniority, territory, and industry. Simplify and democratize relevant content creation throughout the organization. With a unique authoring tool and reusable templates, easily create immersive, interactive training modules.

Help Reps Master New Skills and Win More Deals

  • Enable your reps to build confidence and become the top performers they always wanted to be through Video Pitch Practice and Analysis. Ensure your teams stand above the competition by practicing real-life scenarios that teach them how to better apply new skills while continuously sharpening selling techniques.

Validate Competency Levels and Ensure Consistent Results

  • Track training performance and monitor certification program effectiveness through individual and team scorecards based on data accumulated from training courses, coaching sessions, pitches, and assessments.

Create a Culture of Success

Social learning gives your revenue teams a quick and easy way to find everything they need to be successful.

Help Reps Get Ready for their Next Call in Minutes

  • Provide just-in-time access to quick tips, lessons learned, and best practices based on a deal and client profile. Surface the most relevant information from all interactions, documents, and videos in the language of choice and on any device with the Smart Search capability. TeamFusion automatically captures and transforms content from every user interaction into a set of easily searchable and consumable information blocks in the Smart Knowledge Hub.

Connect People and Enable Better Sales Outcomes

  • Encourage team members to help each other with a contextual, dynamic Q&A module. Empower reps with more winning techniques from their peers by sharing and promoting the best Video Pitches. Drive better engagement and healthy competition with a native Slack integration.