Features and Specs

Learn how fiber supports growing businesses with high speeds, scalable bandwidth and secure connectivity.

Lumen Fiber+ Internet

  • 50/100/500/1000 Mbps symmetrical internet speeds
  • All-inclusive package that includes an enterprise grade router with stateful firewall and
  • Wi-Fi appliance to support both private and guest Wi-Fi
  • Flexible IP addressing options
  • 99.99% service availability SLA
  • Streamlined purchasing and configuration

Lumen Edge Protect

  • Optional security that serves as the first line of defense from known and suspected malicious domains to help protect users and their business network from ransomware and malware.
  • Cloud-based virtual deployment with no additional devices or software required.
  • Built-in global threat visibility and protection powered by Black Lotus Labs®.

Control Center

  • Manage invoices and payments.
  • Self-service portal with chat options to speak with a Lumen expert.
  • Access to shop, view order status and receive digital notifications.
  • Manage and monitor your network, inventory, view utilization and set threshold alerts on a daily, weekly or monthly frequency.