
Trusted partner for data center solutions

Cloud Solution

CyrusOne partners with leading CSPs, including Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), IBM DirectLink, Oracle Cloud, and HPE Greenlake.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

  • The world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform, offering over 200 fully featured services from data centers globally.

Google Cloud Platform

  • Google Cloud gives you three basic ways to interact with its services and resources, including Google Cloud Console, Command-line Interface and Client Libraries.

HPE Greenlake

  • With roughly 70% of apps and data still on-premises, the HPE Greenlake platform delivers the cloud experience across your edges, colocations, and datacenters.

IBM Direct Link

  • Direct Link is a hybrid cloud connectivity service providing secure, private, high-bandwidth connectivity between customer on-premises and IBM Cloud resources.

Microsoft Azure

  • Azure allows users to build, run, and manage applications across multiple clouds, on-premises, and at the edge, with the tools and frameworks of your choice.

Oracle Cloud

  • An Infrastructure-as-a-Service that delivers on-premises, high-performance computing power to run cloud native and enterprise company’s IT workloads.

Data Center Solutions

CyrusOne offers the best solution for a client’s unique situation, needs and goals. Our dynamic, scalable infrastructure solutions optimize collaboration between employees, clients, partners and suppliers. The flexible architectures we enable provide the highest optimized technical performance and greatest reliability. We bring our expansive network, responsiveness, eco-centric mindset, and customization capabilities to the design table, empowering our ability to deliver quickly and provide dependable operational support and outstanding client care.​


  • We go where you go. CyrusOne is collaborative and co-creative, offering innovative design, development, and construction best practices that empower fast, reliable deployments​.


  • Delivering flexible, scalable, high-availability – and sustainable – solutions to hyperscale enterprise, cloud and SaaS providers.

Data Center Disaster Recovery

  • Professional organizations prioritize data protection services as a key aspect of their disaster recovery strategy. This involves data backup to ensure business continuity and revenue protection. CyrusOne prioritizes disaster recovery preparedness for our clients.

Hybrid Cloud

  • A global network of data centers that provide resiliency, redundancy, and scale​ with tailored solutions and an ecosystem of carriers, software-as-a-service (SaaS) and cloud on-ramps.

Colocation Solutions

  • Enabling businesses to place their IT infrastructure in specially designed and highly secure data centers without space, technology, or connectivity constraints.

AI Data Centers

  • Intelliscale™ is a state-of-the-art, artificial intelligence (AI) workload-specific data center solution developed specifically to address the rapidly growing needs of AI applications and services.


CyrusOne provides high-quality colocation with robust connectivity and the flexibility your business needs to scale for future growth. Using a carrier-neutral approach, CyrusOne enables you to select best-in-class carriers to fit your requirements.


  • Cross-connect solutions provide connections from point A to point B. For example, a data center may offer multiple network providers to clients. Multiple networks provides enable businesses to receive the best colocation solutions as carriers compete to offer the greatest required services.

Metro IX

  • Metro IX is a highly reliable network connection between data centers within the metropolitan areas where CyrusOne facilities are located.

National IX

  • The CyrusOne National IX delivers interconnection across states and between metro-enabled sites within the CyrusOne facility footprint and beyond.


  • Seamlessly connect customer assets in multiple cities in CyrusOne data centers. CyrusOne Ethernet provides exceptional protection, performance, and consistency over a CyrusOne core-protected backbone.

IP Bandwidth

  • Whether your operation is local or global, small or large, it is very likely that the success of the operation depends on staying connected with partners and customers.

C2C Optical Wave

  • Customers can expect a high capacity for bandwidth-intensive applications and dedicated connectivity with our C2C optical wave.