The behavioral email security platform

Inbound mail protection

Block Phishing and coach users in real-time. Phishing is still the number one cause of data breaches for companies, and the hooks are getting sharper. INKY’s innovative technology excels where legacy solutions fall short.

  • Content Disarm & Reconstruct: Parses every HTML email and reconstructs it to ensure malicious content doesn’t make it through.
  • Computer Vision: Sees emails much like a person would — but better — so even very convincing forgeries get blocked.
  • Social Graphing: Builds dynamic profiles and behavior models of senders to block impersonation attempts.

Coach users to make the right moves

  • Like a security coach, the INKY Email Assistant signals suspicious behaviors with interactive banners that guide users to take safe action. The assistant turns real emails into teachable moments, training users on potential threats and empowering them to report emails on any device or email client.

Make life easier for IT

  • While the Email Assistant guides users and keeps them productive, IT can view the entire email security landscape from the INKY Dashboard. The Dashboard enables IT to identify, analyze, and remediate from one pane of glass. This makes it easy to identify trends and share reports with the executive team.

Internal mail protection

Internal Mail Protection protects an organization’s email traffic from Account Takeover (ATO) attacks.

Compromised email accounts let the bad guys in.

  • Today, sophisticated hackers tunnel across the organizational chart looking for pay dirt. Having protection against external threats alone just isn't enough. Once the phisher is in they can move laterally through an internal email that appears trustworthy. INKY mitigates these internal phish.

Block threats with artificial intelligence that understands behavior.

  • INKY builds dynamic profiles or behavior models of originating senders with software modules using stylometry and social graphing. As the models grow, INKY uses anomaly detection to filter out and block impersonation attempts. INKY observes incoming emails and builds a model of:
  • Email addresses typically used by the sender
  • Display name for each sender (i.e., Barry C. vs. Barry Cuda)
  • The location from which the sender primarily transmits mail (home/office/traveling)
  • Device type from which the sender typically dispatches mail (mobile device, Mac/PC, or tablet), and
  • Email client used by the sender (i.e., Outlook for the PC, Apple Mail client for iPad/iPhone, or Gmail app)

Coach users to stop and think before they act.

  • The INKY Email Assistant gives recipients a visual cue to hesitate before reacting to an email. After INKY analyzes messages, employees receive real-time feedback as to what, if anything, is fraudulent about the message. Because the banners are HTML-based, they work on any device or email client.

Fast alerts mean IT can stop takeovers in their tracks.

  • The INKY Dashboard gives IT the ability to find and remove dangerous messages from their recipients’ mailboxes. With this remediation, IT has the tools it needs to protect against malicious lateral movement across the internal email infrastructure.

Email encryption

Easy-to-use encryption encourages organizations to keep their data secure. INKY simplifies email encryption and increases user adoption so that sensitive data is protected from the time it leaves your inbox until the recipient reads it.

Safeguard Secrets

  • Businesses of all sizes send critical information over email every day, leaving the door wide open for its capture by cybercriminals. Failure to secure that data can have severe consequences, ranging from compliance violations to loss of confidential personal and financial data. INKY leverages state-of-the-art 256-bit encryption to protect proprietary information sent to its intended recipient.

Type the Magic Word, Click the Magic Link

  • It’s just that easy. With INKY Email Encryption you don’t have to leave the email system to take action. Simply add the word [encrypt] to the subject line of the email and INKY takes care of the rest. The recipient receives an email notification about the secure message, which they can either access with Microsoft or Google credentials or request a magic link to avoid the need to create yet another account login to maintain. The recipient can reply to the sender securely, and any text or attachments will also be automatically encrypted.

Same Scene on Every Screen

  • To ensure adoption of security best practices like encryption, the experience should be the same wherever people are working. INKY Email Encryption works the same across desktop and mobile devices, and it works on any email platform including iOS and Android with no plug-ins required.

INKY’s Automated Second Chance

  • INKY scans outgoing emails to identify risks and alerts the sender before they get out the door. With INKY Outbound Mail Protection administrators can create customizable rules that automatically require senders to encrypt outgoing emails with sensitive content such as personally identifiable information (PII), intellectual property, or any other confidential information.

Outbound mail protection

Prevent data loss from email blunders and nefarious insiders. INKY delivers modern data loss prevention by detecting and alerting you to high-risk emails before they get out the door.

Outbound Mail Protection that works on any device or OS

  • When a message with sensitive content is detected, INKY kicks off an approval process inside the email itself, which improves productivity while enabling smart security decisions.

Distracted End Users are Dangerous

  • Your employees are sending hundreds of emails a day. So, it’s no surprise when they unintentionally share sensitive information. On the other hand, with a single keystroke, a discontented worker or short timer can send proprietary data externally. Let’s not forget about the threat and cost of criminal email account takeovers. According to IBM research, the average cost of a data breach for companies with fewer than 500 employees was $2.98 million in 2021, and $5.02 million for companies with more than 1000 employees.

INKY Believes in Second Chances

  • INKY Outbound Mail Protection raises awareness about risky email messages before they leave the organization. When a message with sensitive content is detected, INKY kicks off an approval process inside the email itself, which improves productivity while enabling smart security decisions.

Free IT with Self-Serve Security

  • The INKY Dashboard enables admins to create customizable rules and sender/approver pairs that define how Outbound Mail Protection will function for their teams.
  • Self-approval and manager-approval rules keep workflows moving without any action required from IT.
  • When used with INKY Email Encryption, the requirement to encrypt outgoing email can be added to the workflow.
  • INKY rescues IT from legacy DLP solutions that use confusing bounce-back messages, clumsy portals, and often Outlook plug-ins that don’t work on all email clients.

INKY’s Modern Scanning Technology Identifies Risks in Seconds

  • INKY uses a combination of detection modules to identify instances of sensitive data in messages. This identification requires cross-referencing multiple data points including keywords and variable contextual clues in a message, pattern matching, and various data types. INKY scans for an extensive list of sensitive data from financial information, such as credit cards and bank account routing numbers, to identification documents and medical information.

Advanced attachment analysis

Detect malware cleverly concealed in email attachments.

Deeply Hidden Threats Lie in Wait.

  • Email gives threat actors direct access to their favorite low-friction targets – people – creating the greatest attack surface for any organization. Black hats take advantage of how tricky it is for even the most sophisticated user to discern if an email attachment is safe. Simply put, they use email attachments to hide all kinds of dangerous stuff.

Cutting-Edge Technology Delivers Confidence.

  • This problem has existed for decades, and, as threat actors continually become more advanced, standard scanning technologies cannot block them all. INKY’s advanced solution detects malware and exploits embedded deep within files. By looking at the behavior of software components rather than their signatures, INKY Advanced Attachment Analysis protects against exploits — including zero day threats — rather than known payloads. With this unique approach, organizations can confidently rely on the INKY Email Assistant to warn users about malicious attachments before threat actors win.

Say Goodbye to Sandboxing.

  • Legacy solutions rely on sandboxing to protect against threats embedded in attachments. Sandboxing is resource-intensive for IT, and burdens employees and administrators alike with delays and missing attachments that may or may not mysteriously reappear. INKY’s solution changes everything.
  • Speed: Deep analysis of attachments in less than a second.
  • Accuracy: Confidence rate of 99.7%.
  • Privacy: A private network keeps attachments and analysis data secure.