Nitel Managed Security

Customized security solutions

Managed Threat Detection

Identify and mitigate security threats.

An enterprise solution for enterprising Organizations

  • Achieve more effective identification and mitigation of security threats. You’ll reduce your burden with around-the-clock support from 10 global security operations centers staffed with experts who have in-depth knowledge and experience working with complex network environments for highly distributed organizations. Our Managed Threat Detection service collects, analyzes and stores logs from networks, hosts and critical applications. It extends visibility beyond the network perimeter to the application layer, helping you achieve more effective identification and mitigation of security threats, and compliance validation with numerous regulatory and industry standards.

Industry-leading compliance expertise

  • Prepare your business for compliance audits with consistent controls based on best practice frameworks and regulatory and industry requirements. We’ll monitor control performance in real time and provide you with over 600 compliance-focused reports.

Robust reporting

  • Nitel customers have access to over 2,600 reports – more than 600 of which focus on addressing your compliance requirements. Run them as needed or schedule reports to run automatically to provide valuable information about alerts, events and trend data. Configurable dashboards, correlations and filters let you quickly gain value and reduce risk.

Managed Security Testing

Stay one step ahead with ethical hacking.

Hacking for the greater good

  • Find the vulnerabilities in your network applications with thorough penetration testing through Nitel’s partnership with Gartner Magic Quadrant Leader Trustwave. Expert “ethical hackers,” armed with the same techniques as leading cybercriminals, attempt to hack into your network or application to help you identify network-connected assets, learn how those assets are vulnerable to attack and understand what could happen if those assets become compromised. With the help of leading security experts, we’ll learn more about your databases, network and applications and determine one of four levels of testing to suit your business.
  • Basic: simulates the most common attacks, typically using freely available, automated attack tools.
  • Opportunistic: Includes opportunistic attacks executed by skilled attackers seeking easy targets, using a mix of automated tools and manual exploitation to penetrate targets.
  • Targeted: Simulates targeted attacks from a skilled, patient attacker that has targeted a specific organization. Expends significant resources trying to compromise systems.
  • Advanced: Simulates an advanced attack executed by a highly motivated, well-funded, extremely sophisticated and unrelenting attacker.

Real humans, real results

  • Our penetration testing process is one of the most thorough on the market. Many providers use vulnerability scanning, which, while effective, is automated and only inspects networks superficially. Penetration testing is performed by skilled humans using intelligence and tools to determine all the potential weak spots in a network—just like a real hacker would.

Managed Incident Response

Immediate response to network breaches.

Damage control for every scenario

  • Even after all your preparation and safeguards, the worst has happened—it’s a possibility for any network. But don’t let things snowball. Get out in front of the problem and save money, time and stress with managed incident response. Our response plan includes set protocol, best practices and instructions in the event of a cyber attack. Nitel, in partnership with Gartner Magic Quadrant Leader Trustwave, provides an organized approach to addressing and managing the outcome of a security breach or attack with the following components:
  • Breach preparedness: Leverage SpiderLabs' extensive investigatory experience to assess your current security posture and prepare an effective incident response and readiness plan.
  • Proactive investigation: Comprehensive analysis to determine if your environment is free of compromise.
  • Capability assessment: Exercises the current capabilities and procedures of your security team, uncovering any potential gaps that could affect your security posture.
  • Training: Provides your security team with relevant, real-world skills to effectively protect your environment.
  • Digital forensics and incident response (DFIR) retainer: Secure a 24/7 team of global experts ready to respond to security incidents at a moment’s notice.

Managed Next-Gen Firewall

Bulletproof your entire network.

Safe, sound and secure

  • You’ve worked hard to build your business, and now it’s easier than ever to protect it. Whether it be a harmful virus, compromising spyware or inappropriate content, we give you the technology and expertise to defend against cyber threats of all kinds. With a managed next-generation firewall solution from Nitel, you can safely enable applications, users and content to meet the needs of today’s business, while protecting against a growing threat landscape. At the core of it all, we help you make sure every threat is stopped dead in its tracks long before it reaches your network, leaving you with the ultimate peace of mind.

Victory over viruses

  • Protecting your business from internet-based threats of all sorts starts with having an arsenal of next-generation protection on your side. Prevent threats by eliminating unwanted applications to reduce your threat footprint and apply targeted security policies to block known vulnerability exploits, viruses, spyware, botnets, and unknown malware (APTs).

Enable your business

  • With cloud-based network protection, you can safely enable content, applications and users. Assign policies to allow and protect access to relevant applications through an easy-to-use administrator portal. At the same time, prevent threats by eliminating unwanted applications.

Intrusion detection and prevention (IDS/IPS)

  • Complement policy-based application visibility and control with real-time protection from network and application vulnerability exploits, viruses, spyware and unknown threats. Your Nitel next-generation managed firewall will inspect all allowed traffic for threats, leaving you with peace of mind that your network is protected.