Expedient Cloud Native

A platform built for the future

With a Platform Built for the Future

We`re at an inflection point: the apps you're currently using have gotten you to where you are today, but they're not built for the future. The next generation app you want to build will be cloud-native, but that requires an entirely new skillset and an entirely new development platform.


  • Kubernetes Lifecycle Management: Fully-managed upgrade process, including pre-flight checks to ensure that all of your current applications are compatible with the new version before updating.
  • Multi-Cloud Kubernetes Management: Manage hyperscale Kubernetes platforms and your own Kubernetes clusters together, wherever they are.
  • Role-Based Access Control: Provide granular cluster, project, and pod-level access to your infrastructure and developer teams.
  • Fully Functional REST API and CLI: Integrate the platform into your application lifecycle without manual effort.
  • Authentication Integration: Natively integrate to your central authentication service where you control the lifecycle of accounts and access.
  • Toolset Compatibility: Integrate with your existing tools like Terraform, Ansible, Splunk, Slack and more.
  • Built-in Monitoring: Grafana and Prometheus provide deep performance data on your pods and clusters.
  • Persistent Volume & Data Backup with Portworx: Store and protect your data on a platform that scales with you.
  • Integrated with Elastic Observability: Platform-level logging to pull all events into Elastic for security and troubleshooting needs.

Powerful, fully managed, complete cloud native platform

  • To accelerate the cloud native journey, a platform utilizing best-in-breed technologies paired with world class support is crucial for success. Expedient Enterprise Cloud Native is powered by Rancher and Portworx to provide a simple-to-use and fully managed solution that helps you accelerate your cloud native journey by eliminating the overhead of designing, building, and maintaining your own solution and allowing you to focus on modernizing your applications. Combining Expedient Enterprise Cloud Native with the colocation, cloud, security, and data protection capabilities of the Expedient portfolio can deliver an end-to-end solution to meet the needs of your business.