Count on Responsible, Secure AI

Your data is protected by the most comprehensive enterprise compliance and security controls.

Comprehensive security

  • Copilot inherits your security, compliance, and privacy policies set up in Microsoft 365.

Keeping you in control

  • You’re always in control—deciding which AI suggestions to use, modify, or discard.

Amplify Human Creativity

Transform your writing—Copilot drafts, edits, summarizes and creates right alongside you.

Bring your ideas to life

  • Easily start a new presentation from a simple prompt or outline using natural language commands. 

Analyze and explore the data

  • Identify trends, create powerful visualizations, or ask for recommendations to drive different outcomes. 

Enhanced Productivity

Combine powerful large language models with your work content and context to take on any task.

Get more out of meetings

  • Be more engaged in the meetings you attend and quickly catch up on the ones you miss.

Catch up in a flash

  • Summarize long email threads and quickly draft suggested replies.