Datadog Workflow Automation

Automatically run workflows

Automatically trigger remediation actions

- Trigger custom workflows automatically in response to monitors and security signals, or schedule them in advance.
- Enrich your workflows with real-time monitoring data, facilitating quicker and more informed remediation.
- Instantly access and trigger your workflows from anywhere in the Datadog platform, including your dashboards, alerts, and signals.

Visually build end-to-end workflows

- Easily automate routine tasks, on-call procedures, security tasks, remediation processes, and more with an intuitive point-and-click builder.
- Utilize more than 300 out-of-the-box actions to seamlessly connect to key services and technologies such as AWS, Cloudflare, GitLab, Slack, and more.
- Build complex workflows with multi-step automation using logic operators, branching, conditions, iterations, and more.

Get started fast with pre-built blueprints

- Automate essential processes across DevOps, security, and more with over 40 pre-built blueprints that can be customized to align with your team’s unique workflows.
- Create your own pre-configured action blueprints to standardize and maintain consistency in your response workflows as your organization scales.
- Consolidate all your workflows and blueprints in a centralized hub for easy access and maintenance.

Automate complex processes while maintaining human control

- Include human decision-making steps in workflows to manage critical tasks effectively.
- Control who can access, modify, and execute workflows with granular role-based access control (RBAC).
- Gain visibility into every workflow execution, including its status and input/output data, through a detailed debugging view.