Datadog Continuous Testing

Enhance testing efficiency

Test with ease and speed

- Use automation to accelerate application testing and stop wasting engineering resources with the need to build, run, and maintain hand-coded tests.
- Shift development left and implement testing as part of the Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery process.
- Save QA effort through time-saving and highly scalable features, such as a codeless web recorder, parallel test runs, and built-in multi-location testing.
- Test even earlier and across every level of your application stack, thanks to broad support for diverse protocols, frameworks, and APIs—including gRPC and WebSockets.

Improve test reliability

- Stay focused on building software through our resilient, scalable, and codeless tests that eliminate the burden of implementing test code.
- Gain confidence in your test results by minimizing false positives through self-healing browser tests and automatic test retries.
- Automate cross-browser testing to easily ensure the best end-user experience.

Increase efficiency through seamless integrations

- Fast-track your application development by testing and troubleshooting on the same unified platform.
- Use integrations with popular CI providers (GitHub, GitLab, Jenkins, CircleCI, Azure, DevOps) and collaboration tools (Slack, Jira) to merge workflows and avoid context-switching.
- Gain unified control over test creation and state management with the Datadog Terraform provider.

Accelerate troubleshooting

- Quickly find the root cause of failed test runs and reduce MTTR by performing tests within a unified monitoring platform.
- Gain the full context for troubleshooting—without switching between tools—through correlated metrics, traces, and logs surfaced by Datadog APM integration.
- Enable developers to 'shift left' and implement testing as part of the CI/CD process, helping improve efficiency, release velocity, and business agility.