Control Document Access

Track or Restrict Access. RDocs converts any presentation or document into a Rights Protected Document file – an RPD™ file – which empowers the sender to track reader activity or restrict access to certain viewers – all with no companion software download or logins for readers.

Manage Content Sharing

  • Control Who Views What When.
  • Instantly transform any document into an RPD™ file, save or send. With a click or a flick, you can make a document self-destruct on a timer, after a number of views, or restrict sharing via print, copy, forward or photo.

Restrict Views by Location

  • The Power of Where.
  • Location, Location, Location. Modernize the way you think about reader location. You can send an RPD™ attachment, restrict the geography where it can be viewed, or define the internet locations where it can be accessed – by reader domain, IP range, or geographic region.

Control or Kill Content After Sent

  • Perfect Send for the Fickle or Accident Prone.
  • Whether you later decide that sensitive document probably should not live a full life out-in-the-ether or in your colleague’s inbox; or you realize you accidentally sent sensitive content to the wrong recipient, if it was sent as an RPD™ file attachment, rest assured, you have total control of your document even while it is at the recipient. You can kill the document – make it self-destruct without trace – or temporarily disable viewing, and more; all after the send.

Interact In-the-Document

  • Think Social Documents, Collaboration Re-Invented.
  • The coolness of social media now meets electronic documents. We’ve built the power of social interaction into documents. Now you can track not only who views what, when and where, and for how long, but you can also append notes into the document and tally viewers votes, likes, and feedback --- in real time. As they read, you see their feedback. As they “like”, you tally their reactions.