Explore service capabilities

Zendesk offers customer service software that works right out of the box. Below are the list of capabilities that you can explore:

  • Messaging - Personalize conversations across channels.
  • AI and automation - Solve customer issues faster with AI.
  • Help center - Let customers serve themselves.
  • AI agents - Automate interactions with AI-powered bots.
  • Ticketing - Track, organize, and solve all your tickets.
  • Agent workspace - See your customer data in one place.
  • Voice - Speak directly to customers.
  • Data privacy and protection - Keep customers safe.
  • Routing and intelligence - Send tickets to the best agent for the job.
  • Analytics and reporting - Turn data into useful insights.
  • Workforce engagement management - Optimize agent staffing and performance.
  • Quality assurance - Improve the quality of all interactions.
  • Platform - Modify Zendesk to meet your needs.
  • Integrations - Bring your daily systems into Zendesk.