AI-powered staffing forecast

Zendesk analyzes your historical data to predict staffing needs in a given day, month, or season. Cut down on overtime costs and lower wait times.

Automatic agent scheduling

  • Create schedules down to the minute—including training, breaks, and ticket types. Agents get full visibility too, so everyone’s on the same page.

Track agent activity in real time

  • View what agents are working on, and get custom reports when the shift is over. You can see how they spend their time in and out of Zendesk, and how well they adhere to schedules.

Use analytics to plan and customize

  • Metrics show both problem areas and big wins across teams, ticket types, and individuals. The data can quickly inform how you deploy which agents, and where.

Offer agents more visibility

  • Give agents the gift of clarity. Everyone can view their schedule, so there are no surprises when clocking in. Plus, they’ll know exactly when they’re overachieving or need help.