Security Modules that Snap into Place

A module is a self-contained security component that can be turned on or off. Some modules are core functionality. Some enhance other modules. Each Coro module has won awards in its security domain, outperforming many market-leading point solutions.

  • Cloud Security - Guard against malware in cloud drives and abnormal admin activity.
  • Mobile Device Management - Ensure your mobile devices remain threat free.
  • Inbound Gateway - Intercept inbound emails so only safe senders reach recipients.
  • Wifi Phishing - Prevent end users from connecting to suspicious wifi endpoints.
  • Secure Web Gateway - Filter web traffic to protect your business from malicious apps and sites.
  • Secure Message Encryption - Encrypt outbound emails so only recipients can view.
  • Endpoint Security - Set device posture, deploy NGAV, and allow/block processes.
  • Email Security - Protect against phishing, malware, and other fraudulent messages.
  • Network - Protect your network with cloud VPN, firewall, and remote office cluster.
  • Endpoint Data Governance - Enforce data security policies on endpoints.
  • EDR - Reboot, shut down, and isolate compromised devices and processes.
  • User Data Governance - Enforce secure handling of PII and other critical data.