
A better energy future


energyware™ provides turnkey solar solutions that include carports, rooftops, ground-mount, and energy storage systems.

Solar roof mounts

  • Often underutilized space, a roof mount solar system can reduce energy costs, improve energy efficiency, increases the value of the building while reducing your reliance on the grid.

Solar carports

  • Solar carports are becoming very popular as they produce energy while protecting staff, customers and guests from the elements.

Solar ground-mount systems

  • Adding a ground mounted solar panel system to your facility is an economic and strategic measure that will reduce energy costs, improve energy efficiency, reduce reliance on the struggling electrical grid and improve the value of your property.

Solar engineering

  • energyware™ provides solar engineering services and will plan, design, and implement your solar energy project. Importantly, our engineers will help make your project a success.

Solar procurement

  • We utilize various solar technologies, including bi-facial solar panels, tracking equipment, advanced energy storage systems, and building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV).

Solar construction

  • The energyware™ construction team has experience installing more than 500 MW of solar energy capacity and includes NABCEP-certified installers and licensed electricians.


Lighting the way forward to a more connected community.


  • Restaurants and retails spaces not only save money. Studies have proven that the right lighting can have a positive impact on the brain and body. Simply put, better lighting equals better dining and shopping!

Student performance

  • A rapidly growing body of evidence of the harmful impacts of non-LED lights is impelling schools around the country to rethink and reinvest in proper classroom and campus lighting. LED lights cut down on eye-strain, help enhance on cognitive focus and most importantly, significantly reduce the impact on the Circadian Rhythm.

Municipal lights

  • The new generation of homebuyers and professionals are looking for more quality-of-life perks in the communities they choose to live in, and raise their families in. Your city can stay at the top of their list if your city lights enhance the outdoor living experience!


  • Safety has skyrocketed to new heights when it comes to travel. The very first step in travel safety is proper lighting, in both interior and exterior spaces. LED IoT smart lighting continues to assist airports enhance the quality of their emergency response plans and overall pedestrian safety.

Parking garages

  • The dreadful fear of walking into the chilling echo of an empty parking garage after-hours is not an uncommon experience. It has become the quintessential stage for all too many Hollywood suspense movies. In real life, people feel safer when parking garages have predictably good lighting. With LED lights, no more will a late night at the office turn into a scene from a movie!


  • Blue light waves in traditional bulbs confuse your inner clock and keep you up when you should be getting to sleep. When it comes to overall health sleep cannot be overstated. In a hospital setting, where good rest often plays a vital role in the speed of recovery, LED lights significantly cut down on blue light waves, letting your body do its natural thing…sleep!

ESG: Environmental

SG is currently being used as an important capital market measure. Investors, in particular, are using ESG criteria in their analyses to identify risks and growth opportunities for companies. Additionally, corporations are increasingly interested in doing business with other likeminded businesses in terms of ESG. What does this mean for you? Simply put, your commitment to ESG will put you in a position to attract more investors, and companies will be more inclined to do business with you as they see you taking positive steps toward the ESG pillars.

  • Carbon Emissions
  • Waste & Water Management
  • Raw Material Sourcing
  • Climate Change Vulnerability