Lingo BullsEye Internet
Connecting made easy
Flexible solutions, with list prices reduced up to 40%
We give you flexible broadband options that may include shared wireless, fiber optic, Ethernet, or DSL facilities, IP assignment, and transport of your end-user data traffic from the premises to the public internet.
The best service delivery in the industry
- With 20+ years of experience installing and managing applications of every size, our project management and operations teams have earned customer satisfaction scores 30% above the industry average. Ask for our white paper on customer satisfaction.
Your rates are guaranteed
- All of our 36-month agreements guarantee your rates for the entire term.
Our exclusive broadband delivery guarantee
- If we cannot provide a new solution of our own at a location we will project manage and install another solution for you, or retain your current service and we will simply re-bill that service.
Industry-leading service level agreements (SLAs)
- Serenity Broadband Solutions has exceptional SLAs that far exceed the SLAs of many other providers.