123NET Network Services

Scalable and reliable connectivity

Dedicated Internet Access

Dedicated Internet Access (DIA) delivers optimal internet speed, security, and reliability throughout Michigan over a statewide, ring-protected, gigabit fiber network. The connection is managed in-house, assuring high-performance connectivity and an IP backbone that utilizes BGP blended bandwidth in a carrier-neutral format.

Ethernet Services

  • Ethernet provides a secure, reliable, high-performance environment that helps companies manage data growth and securely access network resources via Ethernet Private Line (EPL) or Virtual Private Line (EVPL).


  • Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) service is a secure, private networking solution for multi-location businesses delivered over any type of access circuit, including fiber, fixed wireless, T1, or EoC. MPLS provides traffic prioritization and routing to efficiently deliver applications.

Dark Fiber

  • Dark Fiber provides IT staff complete control over network management, meaning speed can be increased without incurring additional fees. This secure, scalable, and flexible solution is available via new or existing fiber infrastructure.

Cloud Connect

  • Cloud Connect creates private connections between business infrastructure and cloud-based applications. Private point-to-point connections avoid the downfalls presented by the public internet and ensures business traffic never touches it.


  • Ethernet LAN (E-LAN) enables any-to-any connectivity for businesses that need to connect all their locations on a single network. E-LAN brings together cost-effectiveness, speed, simplicity and flexibility in a broadly customizable Ethernet solution.


  • Software-Defined Wide Area Network (WAN) is a software approach to managing network connectivity that lowers operational costs and improves resource usage for multi-site deployments. This allows for an optimized WAN that is efficiently using bandwidth and ensuring a high level of performance for critical applications.

Business Phone Service

  • 123NET Voice Solutions are tailored for unique business communication requirements. By integrating voice and data applications over the same connection, businesses can save time and money through one consolidated solution. From small businesses to call centers, 123NET supports Michigan companies with their voice and communication needs.

DDoS Defense

  • Eliminate Costly Downtime - Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) is a cyber-attack that targets specific internet services and web-based applications to make them inaccessible. These attacks can cause long-lasting impacts on a business’s revenue, customer trust, and overall reputational damage. Proper mitigation of DDoS attacks eliminates costly downtime and threats to your network.
  • Stop DDoS in its Tracks - 123NET’s DDoS Defense Platform detects attacks against individual customers, services, and infrastructures within as little as one second. The entire mitigation process seamlessly occurs without disruption of services or direct involvement from you.


  • Private & Dedicated Wavelength Connectivity - Wavelengths are a high-bandwidth, cost-effective solution for companies with large data demands requirements, critical workloads, and low-latency applications. Businesses can privately connect locations, collect real-time data, or use applications with high bandwidth needs.
  • Standard or Diverse Point-To-Point Connections - Wavelength Services utilize 123NET’s expansive fiber network to create point-to-point connections up to 400 Gbps between two locations. Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) Technology supports over 80 channels on a single fiber pair.