Screen Sharing

Screen Sharing designed for sales teams with hard-to-reach prospects.

Live sales presentations

  • Show your product to customers in real-time, answer their questions and present solutions to their concerns. Invite customers to join by sharing a link, e-mailing them or sending an SMS.

Conference calls

  • Invite customers to dial a local number in any of 72 countries. It works every time so you’ll never again ask "can you see it yet?"

Live preview

  • As a screen-sharing session progresses, people’s attention drifts away. The live preview shows you where your customers zoom in, when they become inattentive, and any delay they are experiencing and allows you to react accordingly.

Targeted sharing

  • By selecting to share only the content of a browser tab, program window or entire screen you have control over any "extra" notifications that might get displayed, keeping software sales professionals, every time!

Remote Control

As part of our easy screen sharing, with no preparation, you can grant your viewer remote control to have them temporarily take the wheel to learn how to use your solution.

Intuitive controls for viewers on any device

  • Your viewer will be able to immediately remote control using gestures they are familiar with. On desktop or laptop computers, they can point, click, right-click and type with the keyboard. On mobile, they can point and click and drop down a keyboard for text entry.

Choose exactly what you grant control over

  • Grant control over just a browser tab, or choose an area of your full screen. The remote control area is highlighted on your screen.

Secure by design

  • Remote control will end if you lock your screen, if you press a hotkey or an on-screen button, or if you change focus from the shared tab. Your viewer only has access to safe hotkeys and cannot click outside of the control area.

Instant Demos Lead Capture

Try our Instant Demos mechanism for finding an agent to call inbound leads within seconds, and seamlessly screen share when needed. Responding quickly equals many more sales.

Conversational lead capture

  • Get more leads thanks to fully customizable conversational forms you can drop on your website or in e-mail campaigns. Instantly notify sales reps about online prospects waiting for a call, on-screen and by text message.


  • Answer website-generated leads instantly without having to integrate multiple sales enablement apps. Easily add a "Call me Now" or "Request a Demo" button to your website. Leads can flow into your CRM or other systems using one of multiple available integrations.

Lead enrichment

  • Make practical use of sparse contact information by enriching it with relevant information such as location, company, social links etc. Create fuller CRM records and know more about your lead.

Works Every Time

Your sales team deserves a screen sharing tool that simply works. CrankWheel comes out-of-the-box with screen sharing reliability that works 100% of the time on any device and any browser. Never lose a prospect because of screen sharing problems again.

Works on any device

  • Share your screen with viewers browsing your website on any computing device, including their smartphone.

Works on any browser

  • Initiate screen sharing sessions with viewers regardless of the browser version they use. CrankWheel requires neither an installation nor dedicated plugins to work, even on old versions of Internet Explorer!

Secure connections

  • Enterprise-grade SSL encryption paired with expiring screen sharing session links guarantee that your live presentations remain seen only by those intended to see them.

Live preview

  • A preview pane shows you exactly what your viewer sees and when. This lets you see how engaged they are and lets you work delays in case they have a poor network connection.

Ready in Seconds

With CrankWheel, sales teams can create reliable screen-sharing connections with their prospects and instantly demo their product, presentation, or screen. The best part? It’s ready in seconds — not minutes of back-and-forth “Can you see my screen now?”

No installation

  • Viewers are never asked to download or install anything. Screen Sharing sessions start instantly in their browser window!

No setup

  • Presenters can simply invite people in real-time with a few clicks. Viewers can enter sessions at any moment without the hassle of providing any information.

Viewer links

  • E-mail-ready, SMS-enabled, permanently open screen sharing session rooms or Instant Demos make it extremely easy for viewers to join or get invited.

Available in real-time

  • Screen Sharing is optimized for sessions launched by viewers or presenters who need presentations right now! Scheduled meetings and conversational lead capture forms are also available.