
Leading telecommunications company

Business Services

We assist our clients regardless of their sector and size, providing them with all our knowledge in order to focus on what really matters.


  • We assist SMEs on their steps to a digital transformation, so they experience this change as an opportunity for growth in a quiet, safe way. We are based on integrated solutions for connectivity and security.


  • In this fast, global world, we assist businesses to adapt to constant demands. No matter where you want to go, we can reach it together.

Global enterprise services

  • Telefónica Tech: Telefónica Tech is the brand for helping our customers with their digital transformation process with the best technology for their needs.
  • Telefónica Global Solutions: We manage international wholesale businesses, roaming and multinational corporations of the Telefonica Group, along with the USA business, providing innovative global solutions for our clients, wherever they are.


We connect people’s lives. We work to offer the best connectivity, entertainment and service. We strive to make life easier for you, every day, wherever you are.

Networks and Technology

Telecommunication companies are the backbone of our society and can only fulfill their role if they have the best networks, the best technology. Our effort is focused on ensuring that everyone, people and businesses, can access connectivity and digitization. At Telefónica we are constantly working on building a future-proof, reliable, resilient and secure network. A network based on fiber and FTTH technologies and on the evolution of 4G and 5G mobile technologies. Ensuring excellent Wi-Fi connectivity in the home.

Telefónica and 5G

  • With 5G, everything happens in a millisecond. One millisecond is what makes remote surgery, the autonomous car, the intelligent management of energy resources and cities, or the most advanced entertainment possible. A millisecond is much more than a new response time. It is Telefónica’s response to the new times. It is Telefónica’s commitment to the future.


  • Vision, technological leadership and an important investment commitment are keys to Telefónica’s positioning in fiber / FTTH. A long journey that began in Spain in 2008 with first deployments and continued in 2012 with its massification. In turn, this has facilitated the industrialization process of the deployment in all the company’s markets, transferring knowledge and joining a process of continuous improvement.