Marco Technologies Managed Print

Outsourced print, scan & fax management

Save on print costs and eliminate confusion

Most organizations that implement a Managed Print Services program are surprised by all the ways they can save on print costs. By implementing a print strategy, monitoring usage and having an industry expert manage your print environment, organizations that partner with Marco typically save up to 30 percent on print-related expenses.

  • Eliminate the confusion of working with multiple vendors and the time spent paying numerous invoices every month. With Marco, you have one vendor for supplies, maintenance and other services. Your toner usage is tracked remotely, so when it is low, replacement is automatically sent. And you have a technology advisor with a constant pulse on what’s new in the world of print technology and what benefits it can provide your business.

Get unlimited help desk support

With Managed Print Services, Marco customers have unlimited access to help desk support during normal business hours. Our help desk is staffed with experienced, tech-savvy representatives who will help you through any issues related to printing, scanning, copying, faxing and network connectivity. Help desk staff also help customers adjust to new or upgraded equipment and software. This can be invaluable when circumstances occur that affect your printing technology, such as hiring (and training) a new IT employee, upgrading software or changing IP addresses.

Hassle-free printer repairs, replacements and toner refills

With Managed Print Services, businesses never pay for toner, printer repair or printer replacement. When the devices are at the end of their usable life, we replace them without an upcharge. And replacement toner is automatically shipped to the correct location when usage levels indicate it’s time.

  • To help you manage your print environment, your office printers can be wired to talk to each other from across the room, across the country and to us, too. With our management software, a malfunctioning copy machine will let us know it’s having a problem and, if we can’t solve it remotely, we’ll dispatch a technician to fix the issue. All maintenance is performed by a certified technician, and best of all, any maintenance costs are covered through Marco’s Managed Print Services.

Data-driven decision making and business reviews

One of the biggest benefits MPS customers receive is in-depth analytics. We capture how (and how often) each device is being used, and we catalog how much each device costs in maintenance, repairs and supplies. Based on your initial assessment, we recommend proper copy/print volume usage and print load balance to extend the life of your equipment. After implementation, we monitor your usage to help you make smart, data-driven decisions.

  • Periodic business reviews are conducted where we analyze current performance data and areas that still need attention. Here are the main components of a recurring business review: Service Call History, Supply Order History, Device Utilization Summary and Average Monthly Copy/Print Volume by Device. The Device Utilization Report, for example, can be run by device, user or department.

Beef up your security and sustainability efforts

When you consider the benefits of managed print services, security and sustainability might not be top of mind. But, the reality is, every area of business stands to benefit from support in these two areas.

  • Every organization prints some type of secure information. For industries such as healthcare and legal, security policies and practices are essential and non-negotiable. In businesses where security is less high-risk, secure data and information still need to be protected. Marco's Managed Print Services can address all levels of need.
  • Printers, like every piece of technology, use energy and resources. Today, we have software to help educate users on printing costs by prompting them, before they’re able to print, on-the-job cost and providing alternatives on how to save money. You can also set copy/print limits on each machine, assign user limits or set emails to be printed in black and white or duplexed.