Voice & Collaboration

The heightened prevalence of remote interfacing, be it with customers or business colleagues, means that the need for effective communication and collaboration methods has never been greater. Consisting of everything from Hosted PBX to Call Center to Conferencing to UCaaS, the SolEx portfolio permits a consultative approach to solving the most basic of human interactions in the most effective manner.

Data & Networking

  • With private line connectivity and “over-the-air” solutions which range from fixed wireless through 4G/5G to satellite, coupled with our Software-Defined, Wide Area Networking (SD-WAN) solutions, we can harmoniously integrate and augment your existing connections to deliver superior secure, self-managing, uninterrupted access to critical network and cloud-based resources for all your office based, hybrid and remote employees.


  • The ability to access critical business functions relies upon the network and infrastructure being reliable, with confidentiality, integrity and availability of IT assets, (endpoints, databases, servers, networks, and user data) protected from unauthorized access, manipulation, destruction or compromise. With the advent of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), the adoption of cloud services, limited budgets and evolving, evermore sophisticated threats, SolEx offers products and consultancy services designed to guide customers to a safer business environment.