5 Levels of Service and Support

Level 1 - Basic Circuit Ping Monitoring
Level 2 - Circuit Ping Monitoring with Remediation
Level 3 - Circuit Only Monitoring with Remediation
Level 4 - Managed WAN
Level 5 - Managed WAN Plus

Automatic Customer and Carrier Incident Notifications

  • Depending on the level of service selected Client will receive up to 24/7/365 Proactive Monitoring with NOC Support, Fault Detection, Carrier and Customer Notification, Incident Resolution, Network Performance Alerting and Reporting, Device Change Management, Comprehensive Customer Portal, and Open API.

US-Based Network Operations Centers

  • Our team of onshore network operations center professionals has the experience and expertise necessary to troubleshoot and isolate any issues, keeping a close eye on your system at all times. We quickly identify potential problems before they become an issue while tracking performance metrics and service level agreements (SLA) so that you can be certain you’re getting a superior level of service.

Intuitive, User-Friendly

  • Our turn-key platform is engineered on a foundation of ServiceNow®, LogicMonitor (LM), and Sisense–utilizing digital workflows and cloud-based hosting to ensure an optimal user experience.