Error Grouping

Automatically aggregate similar errors into issues.

  • Reduce noise by automatically grouping related errors into issues based on error type, error message, and stack trace.
  • Follow issues over time to understand when they started, how they have evolved, and how often they are occurring.
  • Zero in on specific subsets of issues with Datadog’s simple faceted search, which doesn’t require knowledge of a query language.

Issue Alerts

Get notified about the most pressing issues.

  • Receive alerts when Datadog identifies new issues so you can be on top of any potential problems.
  • Incorporate alerts into your existing workflow through integrations with notification tools such as PagerDuty and Slack.

Root Cause Diagnosis

Identify the root cause of your errors down to the line of code.

  • Link error stack traces to the relevant source code, identify which version introduced an issue, and reproduce errors with captured execution variable context.
  • Uncover underlying problems with Watchdog, Datadog’s AI/ML engine, to find where errors are most prevalent.
  • Identify mobile crashes with visibility into error rates, user behavior, devices and network conditions that cause problems.

Full-Stack Visibility

Get full-stack visibility through seamless correlation of frontend, backend, and mobile data.

  • Leverage Error Tracking across RUM, APM, and Logs data without additional instrumentation.
  • Identify the source of frontend errors by navigating to backend traces and logs in a single click.
  • Explore performance and error data for individual user sessions with Datadog RUM and Session Replay.