54 Results for rapidscale+a+cox+company


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Spanning Backup

Cloud-to-cloud SaaS backup

Secure & affordable SaaS backup solutions for Microsoft 365, Google Workspace and Salesforce.

Secure & affordable SaaS backup solutions for Microsoft 365, Google Workspace and Salesforce.


Starting at $4.40 /month


Datto Remote Monitoring & Management

Secure cloud-based RMM platform

Secure cloud-based RMM platform

Secure cloud-based RMM platform

Starting at $2.50 /month

Datto Antivirus

Protect against cyber threats

Datto AV stands as your business’s first line of defense, offering unparalleled, next-generation Antivirus protection.

Datto AV stands as your business’s first line of defense, offering unparalleled, next-generation...

Starting at $1.40 /month

Datto Workplace

Work anytime, anywhere

Security-focused enterprise file sync and share (EFSS), delivered by managed service providers, to enable secure and efficient collaboration.

Security-focused enterprise file sync and share (EFSS), delivered by managed service providers, to...

Starting at $10.00 /month

ID Agent Passly

Identity and access management

We’ve included everything that businesses need to control access to their systems and data into one complete, affordable powerhouse.

We’ve included everything that businesses need to control access to their systems and data into one...


Starting at $4.25 /month


ID Agent Dark Web ID

Dark web monitoring program

Dark Web ID ensures the greatest amount of protection with 24/7/365 human and machine-powered monitoring of business and personal credentials, including domains, IP addresses and email addresses.

Dark Web ID ensures the greatest amount of protection with 24/7/365 human and machine-powered...

Starting at $1.44 /month

OVATION Reclamation as a Service

Improve your e-waste impact

Minimal delays & more savings, improving e-waste impact while recovering value from returned devices

Minimal delays & more savings, improving e-waste impact while recovering value from returned devices

RTech Solutions Failover as a Service 5G/LTE Primary & Backup Internet

Automated internet backup

Automatically senses issues and maintains a sustainable connection via a cellular network.

Automatically senses issues and maintains a sustainable connection via a cellular network.

Cato Networks Security as a Service

Next-generation firewall

Unified security stack for digital businesses: eliminates disparate edge security devices.

Unified security stack for digital businesses: eliminates disparate edge security devices.


Puzzel Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS)

Connected experiences across channels

Complete solution that enables your business to manage every aspect of customer contact effectively.

Complete solution that enables your business to manage every aspect of customer contact effectively.


Sold By Puzzel


Sold By Puzzel

Verizon Unified Communications and Collaboration as a Service

Enhance your connected workforce

Offering scalable call control, voicemail & instant messaging to SMBs & government agencies.

Offering scalable call control, voicemail & instant messaging to SMBs & government agencies.


Sold By Verizon


Sold By Verizon

Datto Endpoint Backup

Protect all data wherever IT lives

Direct-to-cloud backup solution designed to maximize MSP profitability.

Direct-to-cloud backup solution designed to maximize MSP profitability.

Starting at $0.27 /month